EXENOX Mobile.
EXENOX A multi-purpose blockchain integrated smartphone with mobile mining capabilities designed to connect the user to various mobile applications and network providers. The Exenox Smartphone is designed for ease of blockchain to mobile integration and use. You can find more informations here https://exenox.net/ THE EXNX The Exenox token (EXNX) is an ERC-20 smart contract built on the Ethereum blockchain. The EXNX is a place holder for the EX6. The EX6 is a token built on the EX6 blockchain. It is a blockchain that is planned carefully from the ground up to support the Exenox Proof of Relevance Mechanism which evaluates the relevance of a node (a wallet with node’s characteristics) taking multiple constraints to account while selecting which node validates a transaction and for which node receives a reward. The EXNX token is a 5% supply of the EX6 Coin. The Exenox token is built with hyper-deflationary characteristics. For every transaction, 1% of the sent tokens...